The Kinsmen Club of Sudbury was chartered in 1939 and incorporated in 1956. We presently have 5 members and we meet twice monthly on Thursday evenings at the Sudbury Food Bank.

One meeting is a business meeting where many items are discussed including requests for funding, up coming projects, national information, and future project ideas to name a few. Dinner is usually ordered in and is always an excellent meal, dress code for this meeting is business casual. Meetings start at 6:30 pm and we try to have business completed by 9:00 pm so that we have time for cards, crib, darts etc. or just sit around sharing a few stories.

The second meeting of the month is more of a social based meeting to encourage fellowship. We can decide to meet at Sudbury Foods Bank or perhaps at a bowling alley, billiard hall or other establishments for an evening of fellowship.

Our Club mandate is to help improve the quality of living for people in our community by providing funding for various projects that we discuss and approve by our members at meetings. Over the years, we have, through our various projects, given back to the Sudbury area in excess of $15,000,000. Our largest project each year is our annual Showcase Sweepstakes.

Some of the projects that we have supported funding to over the years are:

  • Camp Sudaca – canoe storage building, cycle smart trail, covered pavilion, inter-locking stone, building improvements and ground maintenance.
  • Sudbury General Hospital – $50,000 for the trauma centre and to purchase specialty equipment.
  • Sudbury Memorial Hospital – $25,000 to purchase heart equipment and to make a documentary on the importance of state of the art equipment to do heart procedures.
  • Northeastern Cancer Centre – $20,000 to help fund research projects and lab equipment. We also sponsored a fully furnished “Humour Room” in the Daffodil Centre.
  • Canine Unit with the Sudbury police – Since 1995 we have supported this project every year and have to date provided funding in excess of $130,000.
  • Laurentian Conservation Area Nature Chalet – $25,000 provided for the construction of the building and computers so that schools can bring their classes to learn about the surroundings.
  • Joe MacDonald Youth Football League – originally called Sudbury Kinsmen Minor Football League – funding started in the early seventies for equipment, field rentals fees, referee fees and children registrations. They remain one of our many annual recipient organizations today.
  • Big Brothers have been a partner with our Club for many years and have been provided with funding close to $200,000 over the years.
  • The Older Adult Centre in the new YMCA facility was another one of our largest funding projects receiving $105,000 towards the new building.
  • The House of Kin which provides accommodation services for people coming to Sudbury needing medical services was originally started by our club and turned over to a separate independent governing body because of the complexities of its operation has received funding in excess of $50,000 for the renovation of rooms.
  • Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is another annual recipient that our association is partnered with across the country. Over the past 35 years of our partnership, The
  • Kinsmen and Kinettes Clubs across Canada have donated in excess of $34,000,000.

Some of the other organizations and projects that we have supported over the more recent years are:

  • Catholic Charity Soup Kitchen
  • Human League Breakfast Club for Kids
  • Learning Centre
  • Sudbury Laurels Gymnastic Club
  • Northern Ontario Families of Children with Cancer (NOFCC)
  • Sunshine Dreams Foundation
  • Meals On Wheels
  • Alzheimer’s Association
  • Downs Syndrome Association
  • Sudbury Kinsmen – House of Kinsmen Sportsman Celebrity Dinner
  • Westmount Public School Playground
  • Gatchell Public School
  • Salvation Army Send A Kid to Camp
  • The list goes on and on.