Overview of Kin Canada’s leadership structure


Kinsmen and Kinettes are members of 466 clubs, which belong to the national association of Kin Canada. Each club elects its own officers and operates autonomously when determining how it fundraises and distributes those funds within the local community.

Every year, clubs elect an executive team that consists of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Many clubs will also include a Registrar and Bulletin Editor(s). The role of the executive team is to manage the operational details of the club. The Club President also acts as the liaison between the club and the Zone Deputy Governor.


Clubs are grouped into 54 Zones within each District. Elected Deputy Governors oversee Zone operations.


Zones are grouped into 8 Districts across the country. Each District is led by an elected District Governor. The District executive team includes Vice Governors, Deputy Governors and committees, all of which support the clubs.

National Board of Directors

The 11-member National Board of Directors, which includes the Kin Canada president and vice president, meets face-to-face quarterly and once per month via teleconference to define vision, policies and Ends (purposes) based on memberships’ needs.

National Offices

Kin Canada headquarters in Cambridge, Ontario. Eight full time staff provide administrative services to the clubs. Grant Ferron is the Executive Director. He represents the paid staff, and ensures the Association moves toward its mission and objects in the most efficient and cost-effective manner.


6 National committees work on special projects and act as a resource to fulfill the various mandates for each department at Kin Canada, as well as help achieve goals set out to further the Association.